The Thief, the first book of a series by Megan Whalen Turner, tells the story of Gen, thief extraordinaire. Languishing in the King's jail after stealing the King's seal (and boasting about it), Gen suddenly finds himself released and pressed into service to steal for the king.
'There's something I want you to steal. Do this for me and I'll see that you don't go back to prison. Fail to do this for me, and I will still make sure that you don't go back to prison.'Book connections: The Hobbit (J.R.R. Tolkien) about a Hobbit heading out with a band of dwarves to have a very big adventure. Obernewtyn (Isobelle Carmody) about a girl with special gifts who is sent away to a secluded community.
Book Categories: Fantasy without Dragons, Mythology, Kings and Queens, Books with a Twist
Book Status: In classroom library
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